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2020-03-18 1272 0

      建筑设计事务所k. associates在东京郊区建造了一个狭长的房子。被三面混凝土隔墙包围,外壳包围了一个通风的内部,其主要概念是从外面透过围墙之间的缝隙进来自然光。其三分之二的场地位于街道上方大约三米处,房子包括面向街道的地板,实际上,该地板是地下的,向上的一层是地面和街道层。包括顶层公寓在内,住宅总共有四层。



k. associates combines green wall + black steel box into the façade of house in tokyo

      “主卧室位于二楼,由一个垂直延伸的三维空间组成,三层楼一直延伸到顶楼。 这里的概念是一楼水平扩展的客厅和垂直扩展的主卧室之间的对比。”k. associates解释道。

k. associates combines green wall + black steel box into the façade of house in tokyok. associates combines green wall + black steel box into the façade of house in tokyok. associates combines green wall + black steel box into the façade of house in tokyok. associates combines green wall + black steel box into the façade of house in tokyok. associates combines green wall + black steel box into the façade of house in tokyok. associates combines green wall + black steel box into the façade of house in tokyok. associates combines green wall + black steel box into the façade of house in tokyok. associates combines green wall + black steel box into the façade of house in tokyok. associates combines green wall + black steel box into the façade of house in tokyok. associates combines green wall + black steel box into the façade of house in tokyo
