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2020-03-21 1630 0

the anatomy museum in naples surveys the human body and historical epidemics


      在其他地方,石化公司回忆起科学家efisio marini的工作,他发明了一种特殊的方法,不用隐藏自己的秘密就可以将有机器官制成木乃伊;对朱塞佩·阿尔比尼的煅烧,作为流行病期间埋葬尸体的替代方法。其中包括一个保存完好的女性半身像和一个新生儿的尸体

the anatomy museum in naples surveys the human body and historical epidemics 

     这解剖学博物馆 那不勒斯也收藏了古罗马医疗工具、维苏威火山爆发受害者的头骨和由蜡制成的解剖雕塑。总的来说,博物馆是艺术、历史和教育交汇的地方,游客可以在这里了解不同的过程,如火葬和石化,以及医疗设备的演变和医院的现代化。

the anatomy museum in naples surveys the human body and historical epidemics 


the anatomy museum in naples surveys the human body and historical epidemics

the anatomy museum in naples surveys the human body and historical epidemics

the anatomy museum in naples surveys the human body and historical epidemics

the anatomy museum in naples surveys the human body and historical epidemics

the anatomy museum in naples surveys the human body and historical epidemics

the anatomy museum in naples surveys the human body and historical epidemics

the anatomy museum in naples surveys the human body and historical epidemics

the anatomy museum in naples surveys the human body and historical epidemics

the anatomy museum in naples surveys the human body and historical epidemics

the anatomy museum in naples surveys the human body and historical epidemics

