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2020-03-18 1459 0
        艺术家pedro reyes和时装设计师卡拉·费尔南德斯,来自墨西哥,他们的工作中表达相似的主题和关注。这两人经常讨论诸如社区的社会价值、墨西哥本土文化以及数字时代的人类互动等话题。reyes和fernández也经常一起合作项目,包括最近的图形标识的制作设计迈阿密/ 2018,作为去年赢得博览会梦寐以求的远见奖的一部分 他们在首都的家是艺术家们的投入、影响和想法的产物。包装在书架上,容纳了大量的书籍和书籍,并贯穿着这对夫妇自己的创作,这个住宅是reyes和fernández美学理想的一个建筑表达。

pedro reyes


pedro reyes

pedro reyes

pedro reyes


pedro reyes

interview with pedro reyes at his home and studio in mexico

interview with pedro reyes at his home and studio in mexico

interview with pedro reyes at his home and studio in mexico

interview with pedro reyes at his home and studio in mexico

interview with pedro reyes at his home and studio in mexico

interview with pedro reyes at his home and studio in mexico

interview with pedro reyes at his home and studio in mexico

interview with pedro reyes at his home and studio in mexico

interview with pedro reyes at his home and studio in mexico

