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2020-03-28 1933 0
       在2020年曼谷设计周期间展出的椅子由thinkk studio与kaoi合作制作的。这款高于平均水平的服务椅子,可以定制各种大胆的金属扶手和一系列明亮的颜色。让用户有机会创造一个独特的椅子,反映他们自己的个性,混合和匹配零件的过程也提供了一个有趣和愉快的消费者体验。

ebba is a beskope chair that allows users to mix and match graphic steel armrests designboom


ebba is a beskope chair that allows users to mix and match graphic steel armrests designboom


ebba is a beskope chair that allows users to mix and match graphic steel armrests designboom

ebba is a beskope chair that allows users to mix and match graphic steel armrests designboom

ebba is a beskope chair that allows users to mix and match graphic steel armrests designboom



ebba is a beskope chair that allows users to mix and match graphic steel armrests designboom

ebba is a beskope chair that allows users to mix and match graphic steel armrests designboom

ebba is a beskope chair that allows users to mix and match graphic steel armrests designboom
