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2020-04-07 1611 0

      在法国西南部的一个农村地区,位于京都的建筑和制作工作室2m26使用当地采购的材料设计并建造了一个小型宾馆,“la petite maison”是一个极简主义的家庭住宅。



2m26 uses local timber to build a small holiday home in the french countryside designboom

       在业主的帮助下,在农村精心建造的“la petite masion”使用了一个设置在混凝土地块上的木结构建筑。考虑到其对环境的影响,这种紧凑的建筑很容易使用当地生产的道格拉斯冷杉板进行组装,使用后也可以回收利用。木质结构暴露在房子的外部和内部,营造出一种温暖、诱人的氛围,与自然环境完美契合。

2m26 uses local timber to build a small holiday home in the french countryside designboom

2m26 uses local timber to build a small holiday home in the french countryside designboom

2m26 uses local timber to build a small holiday home in the french countryside designboom

2m26 uses local timber to build a small holiday home in the french countryside designboom

2m26 uses local timber to build a small holiday home in the french countryside designboom

2m26 uses local timber to build a small holiday home in the french countryside designboom

2m26 uses local timber to build a small holiday home in the french countryside designboom

2m26 uses local timber to build a small holiday home in the french countryside designboom

2m26 uses local timber to build a small holiday home in the french countryside designboom

2m26 uses local timber to build a small holiday home in the french countryside designboom

2m26 uses local timber to build a small holiday home in the french countryside designboom

2m26 uses local timber to build a small holiday home in the french countryside designboom
