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2020-05-18 1345 0


Front of Bulgari's second Roman shop at 28 Via dei Condotti, photographed around 1900. The sign reads: ''S.Bulgari - Argenteria Artistica, Antiquités, Curiosités, Bijoux''. The windows, crammed with  great variety of silver objects, also display numerous belt buckles - typical ornaments of Sotirio's production at that time. Photo © Bulgari Archives.

      宝格丽第二家罗马商店前,在康多蒂大街28号,拍摄于1900年左右。牌子上写着:“保加利亚-阿根廷艺术,古董,古玩,珠宝”。窗户上塞满了各种各样的银器,还展示了许多皮带扣,这是当时索蒂里欧生产的典型装饰。Tubogas choker in two-colour gold with silver GREEK coins, 1974.Photo © Bulgari Archives.

双色金色和银色Tubogas choker希腊的硬币,1974年。

Sotirio, Giorgio and Leo<em></em>nilde Bulgari photographed at the Lido of Venice in 1932.Photo © Bulgari Archives.


Cover    of the April 1979 edition of Interview, featuring the actress Jessica    Lange wearing impressive Bulgari earrings. Founded in 1969 by Andy    Warhol, the magazine was known both for its avant-garde graphics and for    its interviews with celebrities, who were a co<em></em>nstant sours of    fascination for the artist. Nicola Bulgari was interviewed for the    magazine in 1980.
