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2020-05-29 1987 0
       一个由Hiroshi Nakamura设计的非凡的婚礼教堂,位于日本广岛。由Hiroshi Nakamura的团队完成,独特的丝带小教堂被安置在日本广岛的一家度假酒店的花园中。这座非凡的婚礼教堂位于一座小山的中间,从这里可以俯瞰日本濑户内海的壮丽景色。由两个相反的螺旋楼梯创建,建筑师开发了一个自我支撑的建筑,强调婚姻行为。作为庄严仪式的高潮,新娘和新郎爬上不同的楼梯在塔顶会合。过去分道而行的两个人在塔顶会合,一起走下楼梯。





>An extraordinary wedding chapel designed by Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP in Onomichi, Hiroshima, Japan. Completed in 2014 by the team of Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP, the unique Ribbon Chapel has been placed in a garden of the resort hotel, BellaVista SPA&MARINA onOMICHI in Onomichi, Hiroshima, Japan. Located midway on a shallow hill, this extraordinary wedding chapel provides breathtaking views over Japan’s Seto Inland Sea. Created by two opposing spiral staircases, the architects have developed a self-supporting construction, which emphasizes the act of marriage. As the highlight of the solemn ceremony, the bride and groom climb separate stairways to meet up at the top. “The two who used to walk separate paths unite as one at the top, and descend the stairway together.” Some images of this outstanding architecture can be found below. For more, please visit the website of Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP. Ribbon Chapel by Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A chapel with panoramic views over Japan’s Seto Inland Sea. Going up the stairs. A wedding couple is enjoying the view from the highest point. Let’s take a look inside. Large windows provide a maximum of natural light. This is a self-supporting structure of two spiral stairways. The wedding chapel is placed in a garden of a resort hotel, BellaVista SPA&MARINA onOMICHI in Onomichi, Hiroshima. All images © by Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP. Do not hesitate to find more architectural projects on WE AND THE COLOR. Our Architecture category includes a handpicked selection of most inspiring projects from all over the world. No ratings yet. <
