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miles invaov设计装甲卡车它结合了赛博卡车和越野车坚不可摧

2020-06-23 2392 0

     由保加利亚概念艺术家miles invaov设计和绘制的装甲卡车是“终极生存选择”。看起来比泰斯拉赛博卡车更具侵略性和坚不可摧,像疣猪一样越野车是全钢装甲和电力的。这概念车设计用于在任何类型的地形上行驶,并在危险环境下生存。

'armortruck' survival car co<em></em>ncept combines the likeness of the cybertruck with the batmobile 

     这amortruck从赛博卡车、jeep、4×4悍马和batmobile的组合中汲取灵感和设计灵感。这款未来派SUV采用哑光黑色制成,包括一系列独特功能,包括鸥翼门、重型车轮、发光二极管标题条、氧气发生器/储氧器等。 汽车内部装有棕色真皮座椅和蓝色安全带。在车的后部和前部,宽大的前灯类似于吉普车或悍马。

'armortruck' survival car co<em></em>ncept combines the likeness of the cybertruck with the batmobile 

     miles invaov使用3D建模和渲染软件来创建装甲卡车和他的其他概念车设计。关于概念设计仍有许多未知,invaov在他的脸书页面上告诉他的追随者,他将很快发布更多关于这款巨型汽车的规格信息。

'armortruck' survival car co<em></em>ncept combines the likeness of the cybertruck with the batmobile

'armortruck' survival car co<em></em>ncept combines the likeness of the cybertruck with the batmobile

'armortruck' survival car co<em></em>ncept combines the likeness of the cybertruck with the batmobile

'armortruck' survival car co<em></em>ncept combines the likeness of the cybertruck with the batmobile

'armortruck' survival car co<em></em>ncept combines the likeness of the cybertruck with the batmobile

'armortruck' survival car co<em></em>ncept combines the likeness of the cybertruck with the batmobile

'armortruck' survival car co<em></em>ncept combines the likeness of the cybertruck with the batmobile

'armortruck' survival car co<em></em>ncept combines the likeness of the cybertruck with the batmobile
