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2020-07-07 1659 0
      帕维尔Miček建筑师设计了一个非传统的传统别墅捷克Beskydy的田园诗般的山脉。 位于Beskydy南部一个非凡的地方,帕维尔Miček建筑师设计了一种非传统的传统别墅,在田园诗般的山脉附近只有少数其他建筑物。建筑设计以原始的山地氛围为出发点。混凝土体现了沉重的空心平台,部分挖在地下。室内空间的特点是大量使用落叶松木材作为主要材料,而大窗户可以向惊险的山景开放视野。 下面你可以找到一些建筑项目的图片。

> Pavel Míček Architects designed a non-traditionally traditional cottage in the idyllic mountain range of Czech Beskydy. Located at an extraordinary place in the southern part of Beskydy, Pavel Míček Architects have designed a non-traditionally traditional cottage in an idyllic mountain range with only a few other buildings nearby. The architectural design was created with a primordial mountain atmosphere in mind. Concrete embodies the heavy hollow platform, partially burrowed into the ground. The interior space is characterized by the generous use of larch wood as the main material, while large windows allow open views towards the breathtaking mountain scenery. Below you can find a few images of the architectural project. For more, please visit the website of Pavel Míček Architects. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); All images © Pavel Míček Architects. Do not hesitate to find other inspiring work in our Architecture and Interior Design categories. <
