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2020-08-12 1251 0
         Kenzo Makino&Associates公司介绍了他们的屋顶材料成型设计。工厂位于日本京都北部的港口地区,该建筑还作为一家建材贸易公司的销售办公室,同时还设想了额外的空间规划,如展厅。 


      这家工厂的钢屋面展示了该公司的八种不同结构的监视器屋顶上的各种产品,使该项目通过 Kenzo Makino&Associates 产品样品本身。 在严格的工厂建设预算控制下的经济效益的同时,建筑师们也注重建筑的意义,力求在功能之外融入情感的丰富性。这样,设计就包括了一条隐藏在生产区域下的展示线,产生了一个工厂,也就是一个展厅。

kenzo makino associates steel roofing factory in kyoto showcases the companys diverse products on its eight mo<em></em>nitor roofs with various textures 2

      不只是增加房间和材料,建筑师决定让整个环境可读的作为一个展览大厅。 “我们把它想象成鲁宾的花瓶,这是一个花瓶,但也是可读性的人的两张脸,取决于感知。” 设计团队分享。如果你这样看的话,这座建筑就是一座工厂,但当参观者在馆内被引导时,它可以被看作是一个展览空间。办公楼将设有接待处、门厅和一家欢迎访客的咖啡馆,而该车间将是一个示范展区。此外,仓库将作为一个永久性的展区,屋顶维修桥将是一个室外观景空间。

kenzo makino associates steel roofing factory in kyoto showcases the companys diverse products on its eight mo<em></em>nitor roofs with various textures 3

      8个监测屋顶站在主屋顶上,获得稳定的间接光线,并确保了北侧的通风。 屋顶是用来覆盖每一个其他的跨度,桥梁是通过中心,这样屋顶看起来就像一群站在远处的建筑物。在此基础上,保持了厂房结构中典型的锯齿形顶板的效果。然而,它的形式和意义却从锯齿状的屋顶转变为浮动的八个屋顶,每个屋顶都覆盖着不同的材料。

kenzo makino associates steel roofing factory in kyoto showcases the companys diverse products on its eight mo<em></em>nitor roofs with various textures 4

      当你站在屋顶上,你可以一目了然地看到产品的整个生命周期。 生产过程如下所示,通过打开监控屋顶,而成品展示在整个工厂的皮肤。从大桥的顶端,可以看到梅祖鲁西港的航运和陆路运输的动感景观。这家工厂离海岸线仅500米远,多年来显示出它的风化质量,就像产品样品一样,暴露在咸海风中。

kenzo makino associates steel roofing factory in kyoto showcases the companys diverse products on its eight mo<em></em>nitor roofs with various textures 5

kenzo makino associates steel roofing factory in kyoto showcases the companys diverse products on its eight mo<em></em>nitor roofs with various textures 6

kenzo makino associates steel roofing factory in kyoto showcases the companys diverse products on its eight mo<em></em>nitor roofs with various textures 7

kenzo makino associates steel roofing factory in kyoto showcases the companys diverse products on its eight mo<em></em>nitor roofs with various textures 8

kenzo makino associates steel roofing factory in kyoto showcases the companys diverse products on its eight mo<em></em>nitor roofs with various textures 9

kenzo makino associates steel roofing factory in kyoto showcases the companys diverse products on its eight mo<em></em>nitor roofs with various textures 10

kenzo makino associates steel roofing factory in kyoto showcases the companys diverse products on its eight mo<em></em>nitor roofs with various textures 11

kenzo makino associates steel roofing factory in kyoto showcases the companys diverse products on its eight mo<em></em>nitor roofs with various textures 12
