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2020-08-26 1445 6


      RX建筑师 把小木屋设计成一个裸露的木结构。两个玻璃的高地滑开,提供了湖和乡村的广阔视野。通过这种方式,该建筑提供了从室内到室外的无缝过渡,容纳了经常喜欢游泳和皮划艇的主人。这个小木屋是车辆无法到达的,只能步行通过林地小径接近。

oak wood cladding and co<em></em>ncrete details build lake cabin by RX architects in the UK

 ​      外部覆盖着轻薄、狭窄的英国橡木覆层。这是结合一个具体的基准线的基础上的小屋,这一步创建了一个混凝土工作台。屋顶和它的饰带被覆盖在一个铜板上,形成了与天然木材形成对比的对比,由于天气的原因,天然木材会被及时地玷污。在内部,小木屋内部包括一个花园室、一个厨房、一个小房间和带床的阁楼。

oak wood cladding and co<em></em>ncrete details build lake cabin by RX architects in the UK

oak wood cladding and co<em></em>ncrete details build lake cabin by RX architects in the UK

oak wood cladding and co<em></em>ncrete details build lake cabin by RX architects in the UK

oak wood cladding and co<em></em>ncrete details build lake cabin by RX architects in the UK

oak wood cladding and co<em></em>ncrete details build lake cabin by RX architects in the UK

oak wood cladding + co<em></em>ncrete details build lake cabin by RX architects in the UK 

oak wood cladding + co<em></em>ncrete details build lake cabin by RX architects in the UK

oak wood cladding + co<em></em>ncrete details build lake cabin by RX architects in the UK
