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2020-08-29 1717 0


      这座旧建筑最初用作动物收容所;在底层有一个储藏区,而主要住宅则在上层安顿下来,两者之间没有任何内部联系。 该结构令人惊讶和独特的特点是一个传统的橄榄磨坊,位于房子的中心,它的许多原始设备几乎完全完好无损。在修复过程中, 震慑 决定这些设备将留在房子里,并通过贝纳基博物馆保护部门的咨询意见对其进行翻新和保护。这个空间将成为房屋不同层次和空间之间连接的中心。

1850s greek olive mill rebirthed with cor ten steel creating the rusted mill house modern holiday villa 6


1850s greek olive mill rebirthed with cor ten steel creating the rusted mill house modern holiday villa 7

      所有的石材工程都恢复了原来的样子,拆除了旧的混凝土修复,重建了被传统材料和技术破坏的东西。 内墙采用天然砂浆修补,屋顶采用板栗材进行改造。扩展的简单和限制的卷内衬的cor-10钢,一种当代材料,不断老化,随着时间的增加,作为联系之间的历史因素和新的,当代功能调整。

1850s greek olive mill rebirthed with cor ten steel creating the rusted mill house modern holiday villa 8


1850s greek olive mill rebirthed with cor ten steel creating the rusted mill house modern holiday villa 4

1850s greek olive mill rebirthed with cor ten steel creating the rusted mill house modern holiday villa 2

1850s greek olive mill rebirthed with cor ten steel creating the rusted mill house modern holiday villa 3

1850s greek olive mill rebirthed with cor ten steel creating the rusted mill house modern holiday villa 5

1850s greek olive mill rebirthed with cor ten steel creating the rusted mill house modern holiday villa 9

1850s greek olive mill rebirthed with cor ten steel creating the rusted mill house modern holiday villa 10

1850s greek olive mill rebirthed with cor ten steel creating the rusted mill house modern holiday villa 11

1850s greek olive mill rebirthed with cor ten steel creating the rusted mill house modern holiday villa 12
