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艺术家亮点:乔纳森·吉特森(Jonathan Gitelson)

2020-10-03 1208 0
      在过去的两年中,来自佛蒙特州伯瑞特伯勒的艺术家乔纳森·吉特尔森(Jonathan Gitelson)一直在收集免费的作品。整个佛蒙特州南部的路边都挂着标语(并把每个都换成了他自己的标语)。他解释说,在这里,把不想要的东西扔在路边是一种常见的做法,上面有一个手工制作的牌子,标明这些东西是免费的。开车经过时,我已经被这个词深深打动了,因为它有着各种各样的含义。这件作品仍在进行中,最近在马萨诸塞州北亚当斯的重力画廊(Gravity Gallery)和马萨诸塞州波士顿的Kayafas画廊展出。

clearfix" data-random-id="" data-post-id="267704" data-next-post="">For the past two years, Brattleboro, Vermont-based artist Jonathan Gitelson has been collecting “FREE” signs from curbsides throughout Southern Vermont (and replacing each with with his own sign). “It is a common practice here to discard unwanted goods on the curb with a handmade sign designating them as free”, he explains. “Driving past, I’ve been struck by this word, with its various meanings, embedded in the landscape.”This piece is still in progress and was recently on view at Gravity Gallery (North Adams, MA) and Gallery Kayafas (Boston, MA).See more from below!Jonathan Gitelson’s WebsiteJonathan Gitelson on Instagram <
