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2020-09-29 1341 0
       厄瓜多尔建筑师兼摄影师胡安·阿尔贝托·安德雷德(juan alberto andrade andrade)为一位在地震中失去家园的当地女士设计了“灯塔”或“la caja de luz”。这座两层住宅的名字来源于它从外面看的样子——第二层覆盖着半透明的聚碳酸酯,放置在一楼的底座上,晚上照亮周围的环境。

this home in ecuador by juan alberto andrade is a lighthouse that illuminates its surroundings 

      安德拉德氏 该项目分为两个独立的住房单元--一层为客户,上层为经济收入,因地震造成的租金损失。 每个独立单元都设有一个主室、一个主厕所、一个社会厕所、一个厨房、一个餐厅和一个社交室。开放式厨房作为每个单元的枢纽,将其纵向放置在每一层最狭窄的部分。

this home in ecuador by juan alberto andrade is a lighthouse that illuminates its surroundings 

      灯塔的组成,体现了城市的乡土传统,使用了通常与欠发达相关的材料,具有上下文意识,表达了工程外观与结构性质之间的对应关系。 它成为地方社会转型的一种手段。住房单元的设计是为了适应该地区的气候条件-这包括自然空气的循环和自然光的穿透,重新解释该地区的传统建筑,突出其主要要素。它的单一立面的开放,被外部画廊分割,面向一条宽阔的街道,使我们能够将自然和建筑环境融入到房屋中。为此,它被用作缓冲区,根据安全条例,促进与城市主要街道的内部和外部的关系。

this home in ecuador by juan alberto andrade is a lighthouse that illuminates its surroundings 

      为了促进轻盈,在上层,建筑师与聚碳酸酯,一种轻质,非锐利的塑料材料,分为调制面板。 创造了一个屏幕,允许光在两个方向扩散。

this home in ecuador by juan alberto andrade is a lighthouse that illuminates its surroundings

this home in ecuador by juan alberto andrade is a lighthouse that illuminates its surroundings

this home in ecuador by juan alberto andrade is a lighthouse that illuminates its surroundings

this home in ecuador by juan alberto andrade is a lighthouse that illuminates its surroundings

this home in ecuador by juan alberto andrade is a lighthouse that illuminates its surroundings 

this home in ecuador by juan alberto andrade is a lighthouse that illuminates its surroundings

this home in ecuador by juan alberto andrade is a lighthouse that illuminates its surroundings

