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alberto caiola的《杭州梦幻景观》将书籍艺术与家具融为一体

2020-10-29 1537 0

      阿尔贝托·凯奥拉(alberto caiola)位于中国杭州的哈博克(harbook)是一个新的书店浪潮,《杭州梦幻景观》融入了生活方式元素,以吸引新一代都市人。它包括一家书店、咖啡馆和诺曼哥本哈根当代斯堪的纳维亚家具陈列室,它将理想与传统融为一体。几个世纪以来,这座城市,尤其是它传奇般的西湖,一直激励着作家、哲学家和诗人。哈博克延续了这一传统,扩展了城市的文学文化,包括对欧洲传统的认同,同时也采用了一种进步的当代方法。

hangzhou dreamscape marries the art of books with normann copenhagen furniture, by alberto caiola


hangzhou dreamscape marries the art of books with normann copenhagen furniture, by alberto caiola

      为了加强商店想象中的城市景观主题,alberto caiola用看起来像抽象雕塑的独立展示来点缀空间。他们的调色板,以及令人惊讶的材料组合,赋予了后现代的优势,以抵消商店的更经典的元素。

hangzhou dreamscape marries the art of books with normann copenhagen furniture, by alberto caiola


hangzhou dreamscape marries the art of books with normann copenhagen furniture, by alberto caiola


hangzhou dreamscape marries the art of books with normann copenhagen furniture, by alberto caiola

hangzhou dreamscape marries the art of books with normann copenhagen furniture, by alberto caiola

hangzhou dreamscape marries the art of books with normann copenhagen furniture, by alberto caiola

hangzhou dreamscape marries the art of books with normann copenhagen furniture, by alberto caiola

hangzhou dreamscape marries the art of books with normann copenhagen furniture, by alberto caiola

hangzhou dreamscape marries the art of books with normann copenhagen furniture, by alberto caiola

