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Frank Lloyd Wright的螺旋式住宅--以1290万美元的价格上市!

2020-10-29 1636 0
      由弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特(frank lloyd wright)设计的大卫和格拉迪斯·赖特(david and gladys wright)住宅——或螺旋式住宅,因其通过捕捉风来冷却房屋的圆形设计而被称为螺旋式住宅——以1290万美元的价格上市。这座三卧室、四浴室的房子是赖特职业生涯晚期圆润风格的早期范例,也许最著名的例子是纽约市古根海姆博物馆。

frank lloyd wright's spiralling house cools the house by capturing the wind david and gladys wright house

      位于阿卡迪亚地区 亚利桑那州凤凰城, 大卫和格拉迪斯赖特的房子(最初是为建筑师的儿子大卫和他的妻子格拉迪斯设计和建造的)由一个2500平方英尺的混凝土结构组成,立柱上耸立着,可以俯瞰该地产的柑橘园。 它拥有一条悬臂式的螺旋人行道,环绕着一座厨房塔,那里有一个连接屋顶露台的辅助坡道。一个深潭和一个有阴影的花园由中央庭院中的一片绿洲组成。

frank lloyd wright's spiralling house cools the house by capturing the wind david and gladys wright house 

      混凝土砌块细节和手工切割菲律宾桃花心木构成住宅,被认为是赖特最后的住宅杰作。 内部,定制设计的家具与房地产的圆形结构相呼应,包括赖特为起居室设计的标志性的“三月气球”地毯。

frank lloyd wright's spiralling house cools the house by capturing the wind david and gladys wright house 

      大卫和格拉迪斯赖特一直住在房子里,直到他们死后,这座房子就失修了。 2012年,拉斯维加斯律师扎克·罗林(ZachRawling)买下了这座房子,并计划将这栋建筑修复并向公众开放,从而使它免于被拆除。去年,赖特的150岁生日,他的家 捐赠给塔利森的建筑学院 作为一个学习中心,现在 售价1290万元.

frank lloyd wright's spiralling house cools the house by capturing the wind david and gladys wright house

frank lloyd wright's spiralling house - that cools itself by capturing the wind - is on the market for $12.9M

frank lloyd wright's spiralling house - that cools itself by capturing the wind - is on the market for $12.9M

frank lloyd wright's spiralling house - that cools itself by capturing the wind - is on the market for $12.9M

frank lloyd wright's spiralling house - that cools itself by capturing the wind - is on the market for $12.9M

frank lloyd wright's spiralling house - that cools itself by capturing the wind - is on the market for $12.9M

frank lloyd wright's spiralling house - that cools itself by capturing the wind - is on the market for $12.9M

frank lloyd wright's spiralling house - that cools itself by capturing the wind - is on the market for $12.9M

frank lloyd wright's spiralling house - that cools itself by capturing the wind - is on the market for $12.9M

frank lloyd wright's spiralling house - that cools itself by capturing the wind - is on the market for $12.9M

