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2020-10-29 1538 0
      位于首尔的设计工作室HEARTSTORMING开发了一款有趣的时钟,让人联想到童年的记忆。 该设计是一个充气的圆形气球,上面的部分是透明的材料,有黄金,银,铜和白色。气球上的每一条皱纹都代表着时钟上的一个时间标记。

HEARTSTORMING's aria balloon clock is reminiscent of childhood memories 

      这个 海斯特 -设计的气球钟直径32厘米,有一个干净的3D弹射,为任何空间增添了迷人的特色。 “你还记得在游乐园和家人一起玩耍的回忆吗?你在野餐时玩过的那些回忆,以及所有珍贵的回忆吗?” 设计师问。 “在看时钟的时候,想想你珍贵的回忆吧。”

HEARTSTORMING's aria balloon clock is reminiscent of childhood memories

HEARTSTORMING's aria balloon clock is reminiscent of childhood memories

HEARTSTORMING's aria balloon clock is reminiscent of childhood memories

HEARTSTORMING's aria balloon clock is reminiscent of childhood memories

HEARTSTORMING's aria balloon clock is reminiscent of childhood memories

HEARTSTORMING's aria balloon clock is reminiscent of childhood memories

HEARTSTORMING's aria balloon clock is reminiscent of childhood memories

HEARTSTORMING's aria balloon clock is reminiscent of childhood memories

HEARTSTORMING's aria balloon clock is reminiscent of childhood memories

HEARTSTORMING's aria balloon clock is reminiscent of childhood memories

HEARTSTORMING's aria balloon clock is reminiscent of childhood memories

