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2020-11-19 1284 0

      伯纳多·罗塞罗(BernardoRosello)建造了70平方米 房屋 在730平方米的地块中间,分两个阶段建造:第一,满足单个用户基本需求的房屋和画廊;第二阶段,有两间卧室和一间浴室,以促进未来的发展。 位于Bahia Blanca郊区住宅区el MAITén, 阿根廷 房屋在地块内的位置是横向的,留下两个空空间,一个在后面,一个在花园所在的位置,这是经常使用的和视觉上与主内部相连的空间,另一个是在前面,在那里将进行第二阶段的建设。

70 sq.m argentinian residence by bernardo rosello is built with potential to grow 

      罗塞罗 已经覆盖了住宅的东面,这是画廊的所在,为了不遮掩内部,用半透明的聚碳酸酯。 在西边,墙壁被完全关闭,以保护房子不受夏季阳光的影响,除了能保证空气充分流动的高高的窗户。该结构采用混合结构体系,由支撑、钢框架墙和支撑层合木梁的柱组成,每隔两米调整一次。屋顶是由一个单一的单片,稍微弯曲,与斜坡向两个正面。该住宅的资金来自阿根廷政府提供的PROCREAR贷款。

70 sq.m argentinian residence by bernardo rosello is built with potential to grow

70 sq.m argentinian residence by bernardo rosello is built with potential to grow

70 sq.m argentinian residence by bernardo rosello is built with potential to grow

70 sq.m argentinian residence by bernardo rosello is built with potential to grow

70 sq.m argentinian residence by bernardo rosello is built with potential to grow

70 sq.m argentinian residence by bernardo rosello is built with potential to grow

70 sq.m argentinian residence by bernardo rosello is built with potential to grow

70 sq.m argentinian residence by bernardo rosello is built with potential to grow

70 sq.m argentinian residence by bernardo rosello is built with potential to grow

70 sq.m argentinian residence by bernardo rosello is built with potential to grow

70 sq.m argentinian residence by bernardo rosello is built with potential to grow

