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2020-11-19 1557 0


mix architecture transforms a chinese sun shed into a banquet hall with 12 bamboo pillars

太阳棚主体由普通混凝土基础、轻钢结构和阳光板组成,用于培育经济苗木。混合结构 精选反映乡村元素的材料--工作室利用农场种植的红豆杉幼苗周围的空间形成真正的树木衬里的背景。黄褐色竹子编织成12根柱子,不仅隐藏了原有的钢柱结构,削弱了其工业痕迹,还形成了抽象的树木,在舞厅营造出一片森林。

mix architecture transforms a chinese sun shed into a banquet hall with 12 bamboo pillars

mix architecture transforms a chinese sun shed into a banquet hall with 12 bamboo pillars

mix architecture transforms a chinese sun shed into a banquet hall with 12 bamboo pillars

mix architecture transforms a chinese sun shed into a banquet hall with 12 bamboo pillars

mix architecture transforms a chinese sun shed into a banquet hall with 12 bamboo pillars

mix architecture transforms a chinese sun shed into a banquet hall with 12 bamboo pillars

mix architecture transforms a chinese sun shed into a banquet hall with 12 bamboo pillars 

mix architecture transforms a chinese sun shed into a banquet hall with 12 bamboo pillars

mix architecture transforms a chinese sun shed into a banquet hall with 12 bamboo pillars 
