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2020-11-20 1181 0


octane's vertical residential village in bangkok plays with the archetypal house shape

      日立拥有34间豪华客房,面积26-44平方米。每一间,还有一间有服务的办公室和一间多用途的房间。 octane 根据古代东方人的相似思想发展了整个内部,他们通过将每个活动区按顺序划分来组织空间。每个区域都被连接到外部的山墙拱形隔开,而明亮和黑暗区域之间的切换则与人们的感知有关。走廊的墙壁和楼梯是用黑色的石头建造的,最后用的是微小的聚光灯,这些聚光灯的光芒吸引了人们对步行路径的关注。白色大理石和木质材质创造了一种温暖的氛围,目的是让居民感到舒适,就像他们在自己的家一样。

octane's vertical residential village in bangkok plays with the archetypal house shape

octane's vertical residential village in bangkok plays with the archetypal house shape

octane's vertical residential village in bangkok plays with the archetypal house shape

octane's vertical residential village in bangkok plays with the archetypal house shape

octane's vertical residential village in bangkok plays with the archetypal house shape

octane's vertical residential village in bangkok plays with the archetypal house shape

octane's vertical residential village in bangkok plays with the archetypal house shape

octane's vertical residential village in bangkok plays with the archetypal house shape

octane's vertical residential village in bangkok plays with the archetypal house shape

octane's vertical residential village in bangkok plays with the archetypal house shape

