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Manuel Cervantes将住宅和工作室合并,新的室内生活方式应运而生

2020-11-30 1515 0
      manuel cervantes将住宅和设计工作室与位于墨西哥城的“casa estudio”融为一体。考虑到当地的地形,建筑保留并突出了周围的自然元素,从而形成了一个具有双重特征的项目,在这里,一种新的室内生活方式应运而生。


      manuel cervantes已将场地的环境特性作为项目的建筑起点。 因此,住宅产生了一个整体的空间和视觉整合与外部。该设计形成交错的结构,产生一系列的梯田,在每一层作为内部空间的延伸。这令人震惊的是,整体可以与地势相结合,而不需要如此咄咄逼人的边界。

manuel cervantes combines house + studio under staggered terrace structure in mexico city

      这个项目主要由两所房子组成--“平房”和“平房花园”--它们通过一个室外公共区域连接起来,这也是一个停车场。 这座“棚屋”的特色是一个大厅,它让位于一个稍高的花园。这个空间是​​这座房子的社交区的延伸,它通向一个露台,俯瞰附近的峡谷。这座建筑有两层,上层是私人卧室,下层是社会和服务区。

manuel cervantes combines house + studio under staggered terrace structure in mexico city

      这座“私人花园”包括一个室外大堂区,它把住户带到私人高层,卧室和家庭房间位于那里,或者通向一楼的楼梯。 这个外部大厅也是通往工作室的私人入口,位于下面两层。​​的社交区,即‘私人花园’住宅,居住在一个室内花园,四周环绕着一堵遵循建筑路线的明显的混凝土墙。​​形成这个空间而没有直截了当地看到峡谷的想法是与​​产生一个更亲密的空间的想法有关的。

manuel cervantes combines house + studio under staggered terrace structure in mexico city

      该项目反映了由混凝土周边胶带包围的阶梯式卷的组合,这些磁带构成了每个不同级别的框架。 这两座住宅的所有部分都与侧面的陶瓷墙和混凝土板相连,这些墙向峡谷和街道倾斜。该项目的表面完成包括木隔板和龙骨,这进一步反映了项目的结构。

manuel cervantes combines house + studio under staggered terrace structure in mexico city

home studio with the invention of the co<em></em>ncept of a house and studio a new approach to indoor living emerged this architectural starting point generated a total spatial and visual integration with th 6

home studio with the invention of the co<em></em>ncept of a house and studio a new approach to indoor living emerged this architectural starting point generated a total spatial and visual integration with th 7

home studio with the invention of the co<em></em>ncept of a house and studio a new approach to indoor living emerged this architectural starting point generated a total spatial and visual integration with th 8

home studio with the invention of the co<em></em>ncept of a house and studio a new approach to indoor living emerged this architectural starting point generated a total spatial and visual integration with th 9

home studio with the invention of the co<em></em>ncept of a house and studio a new approach to indoor living emerged this architectural starting point generated a total spatial and visual integration with th 10

home studio with the invention of the co<em></em>ncept of a house and studio a new approach to indoor living emerged this architectural starting point generated a total spatial and visual integration with th 11

home studio with the invention of the co<em></em>ncept of a house and studio a new approach to indoor living emerged this architectural starting point generated a total spatial and visual integration with th 12
