太平洋时间明天上午10点,Josh Keyes将通过Thinkspace Gallery发布一份名为《Spray》的新印刷品。这张照片取自这位波特兰艺术家目前在卡尔弗城市美术馆(Culver City gallery)的展览,并将以75张的版本复制。打印尺寸为16″x 20 & # 8243;(14 x 18英寸全尺寸复制图像区),由Keyes手签和编号,将花费250美元。
Tomorrow (August 9th) at 10AM Pacific Time, Josh Keyes (interviewed) will be releasing a new print through Thinkspace Gallery entitled Spray. The image is taken from the Portland-based artist’s current show at the Culver City gallery and will be reproduced in an edition of 75. The print will be sized at 16″ x 20″ (14 x 18 inch full sized reproduction image area), come hand signed and numbered by Keyes, and will cost $250. Head over here at the appropriate time if you are interested in purchasing.Discuss Josh Keyes here.