最近,奥古斯丁·科菲(Augustine Kofie)与AiseBorn合作,在洛杉矶前伦登酒店(Rendon Hotel)创作了一幅杰出的新壁画。在第七街立面上,两位当地艺术家的共同努力得到了共同元素的帮助,这些共同元素可以在他们的作品中看到,如几何图案、建筑影响和涂鸦背景。这堵合作墙被委托作为艺术在兰登//隐藏的房间活动的一部分,下周末开幕,一系列正在进行的文化项目的第一个在兰登进行整修之前。
Recently, Augustine Kofie (featured) teamed up with AiseBorn to paint an outstanding new mural at the former Rendon Hotel in Los Angeles. The harmonious joint effort on the 7th Street facade between the two locally-based artists was aided by the common elements that can be seen in their work like geometrical patterns, architectural influences, and a background in graffiti. This collaborative wall was commissioned as part of the Art at the Rendon // Hidden Rooms event opening next weekend, the first of a series of ongoing cultural programs hosted at The Rendon prior to its refurbishment.Discuss Augustine Kofie here.