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生命之家:John Pawson 的极简主义乡村住宅

2021-02-27 2052 0
      位于伦敦的建筑公司John Pawson设计了这个华丽的生命之家。从一开始,生命之家背后的想法就是一个不妥协的现代设计,它可能居住在不同类型的建筑空间。对体量和方向的实验已经产生了一种成分,这种成分嵌入到土地的下落中。周围石南丛中黑色的金雀花的扩散反映在深色的外部砖墙上,而粗糙的荒野草地为室内使用的浅色砖提供了参考。



link-color-wrap">London based architecture firm John Pawson designed this gorgeous ‘Life House’ project. From the beginning, the thinking behind the Life House was an uncompromisingly modern design where it would be possible to inhabit a different sort of architectural space. Experiments with massing and orientation have produced a composition that is bedded into the fall of the land. The proliferation of blackened gorse in the surrounding heathland is reflected in the dark exterior brickwork, whilst the rough moor grass provides a reference for the lighter bricks used inside.The house’s programme is arranged as a series of self-contained folds, opening off two corridors. Meeting at a right angle, these passageways generate extended internal vistas and a plan designed to allow groups living in proximity to spend time together and apart, in a spatial arrangement that shares certain characteristics with the monastic cloister. The corridors — one light, one dark — represent more than just the means to get between the different parts of the house, they are key architectural experiences, each charged with its own distinctive character.In the spirit of creating a contemporary Walden, communal and private quarters are shaped by the idea of supporting and enriching specific rituals and activities. Across the Life House this translates into optimised inventories of equipment and functional conditions, but also into a series of finely calibrated atmospheres.Project ArchitectsShingo OzawaJustine BellChris MassonCharlotte MoePhotographyGilbert McCarragher
