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Lesha Galkin设计的模块化办公桌存储空间,充满了神秘感

2021-04-15 1159 0
      Shkatulka,这个俄语单词的意思是匣子。有神奇的特性:一个秘密开启的机制。Lesha Galkin利用保险箱机制的历史和充满每个秘密隔间的神秘感,建造了一个模块化的办公桌存储空间,在这里我们可以找到由大理石、铜和木材等材料组成的盒子和元素集合。2014年米兰设计周展出的Izba系列中的Shkatulka并不是一个装满珍宝和珠宝的神秘盒子,而是一支钢笔和珠宝。传统的组织者。

link-color-wrap">Shkatulka. This little Russian word refers to a “casket” with magical properties: a mechanism of secret opening. Lesha Galkin, using the history of the safes mechanisms and the mystery that fills every secret compartment, built a modular desk storage in which we can find a collection of boxes and elements organized, made from materials such as marble, copper and wood.Shkatulka featured in the Izba collection, which has been exhibited at the Milan design week in 2014, is not a mysterious box to be filled with treasures and jewels, but it’s pen & paper traditional organizer. The box closes with all elements built inside, but when it’s unlocked and opened, allows the user to organize his pencils in the corrugated marble that prevents them to drop and to put other objects, such as books, agendas and rulers, in the different available boxes, including the bigger one that is the casket itself.This crafted and suburb stationary modular desk organizer, with a surprise element, when opened gives us way to gather all the necessary elements to our offices, but when it’s closed turns our whole stationery material into something totally precious and protected.Written by Ana Rita Ramosvia Behance<
