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2021-04-20 1925 0

single-post__content clearfix" data-random-id="" data-post-id="40169" data-next-post="">A fantastic submission to our “Made of Imagination” project courtesy of Cara Stewart, Austin, Texas. She created 3 really unique instruments! This first one is called “Phonograph” and she built it using a broom head, log, contact mics, amplifyer, speaker, and wooden table.“Contact mics inside the broom head amplify the sounds of the bristles playing over the log. The bristles act like a needle on a record player, or keys on a music box. The song is determined by the density of texture on the surface of the rotating log.”See her other instruments below!“Noisy Cauliflower”Materials: Resistance based noise circuit, speaker, alligator clips, cauliflower, carrot.Description: The electrical resistance between the player, holding one end of the circuit, and the vegetable attached to the other end produces a variety of blips, whines and other electronic sounds.“Modified Typewriter”Materials: Typewriter, guitar strings, electronic pickup, amp.Description: Typewriter modified with strings and amplifier to play music when the keys are struck.carastewart.com <
