盐水晶新娘礼服。以色列艺术家Sigalit landau几十年前就爱上了死海,他在一座可以俯瞰沙漠和这个世界上盐度最高的湖的小山村长大。在她的艺术实践中,她把这个湖作为背景——她最具标志性的艺术作品之一包括一段她自己和一串500个西瓜一起漂浮在湖中的视频,以及一种制作表面覆盖着厚厚的盐层的雕塑物品。Sigalit用光卤石晶体制作了小提琴、自行车、靴子和渔网的盐雕塑。她最新的摄影作品《盐新娘》带我们到几米深的水下,观看一件19世纪的连衣裙被压到死海海底的结晶过程。这条裙子的灵感来自s . ansky的著名戏剧《恶灵》,这部剧讲述的是一个被恶灵附身的年轻女子的故事。于1913年至1916年写作的《Dybbuk》讲述了一个年轻的新娘被恶魔附身并随后被驱除的故事。在兰道的“盐新娘”系列中,随着盐晶体逐渐粘在织物上,Leah的黑色服装在水下发生了变化。随着时间的推移,大海的炼金术将这件朴素的服装从与死亡和疯狂有关的象征变成了它一直想要成为的婚纱。为了拍摄这些照片,兰道与摄影师尤塔姆(Yotam)合作。尤塔姆必须穿着超过150磅的衣服,才能将自己浸入盐水中。最后一件作品包括8幅真人大小的照片,目前正在伦敦马尔伯勒当代博物馆展出,展出时间至9月3日。
Salt Crystal Bride Gown III, 2014. Sigalit Landau & Marlborough Contemporary.Israeli artist Sigalit Landau‘s love affair with the Dead Sea stretches back decades, having grown up on a hill that overlooks both the Judean desert and the northern part of this hypersaline lake that is among the saltiest on Earth. In her artistic practice she utilizes the lake both as a backdrop—one of her most iconic artworks involves a video portrait of herself floating in the lake with an unraveling string of 500 watermelons—as well as a means to produce sculptural objects encrusted with thick layers of salt. Sigalit has created salt sculptures of violins, bicycles, boots, and fishing nets covered in carnallite crystals.Her latest photographic work titled Salt Bride takes us several meters underwater to view the gradual crystallization of a 19th century dress weighted to the floor of the Dead Sea. The dress was inspired by S. Ansky’s famous play The Dybbuk about a young woman possessed by an evil spirit. From Marlborough Contemporary:Written by S. Ansky between 1913 and 1916, The Dybbuk tells the story of a young bride possessed by an evil spirit and subsequently exorcised. In Landau’s Salt Bride series, Leah’s black garb is transformed underwater as salt crystals gradually adhere to the fabric. Over time, the sea’s alchemy transforms the plain garment from a symbol associated with death and madness into the wedding dress it was always intended to be.To achieve the photographs, Landau collaborated with photographer Yotam From who had to wear over 150 pounds of weight just to submerge himself in the harsh saline water. The final installation incorporates a series of 8 life-size photographs currently on view at Marlborough Contemporary in London through September 3, 2016. You can read more about the exhibition on Artsy. (via My Modern Met)Salt Crystal Bride Gown III, 2014. Sigalit Landau & Marlborough Contemporary.Installation view at Marlborough Contemporary.Salt Crystal Bride Gown III, 2014. Sigalit Landau & Marlborough Contemporary.#clothing#Dead Sea#salt#sculptureDo stories and artists like this matter to you? Become a Colossal Member and support independent arts publishing. Join a community of like-minded readers who are passionate about contemporary art, help support our interview series, gain access to partner discounts, and much more. Join now!