乌克兰艺术家Nazar Bilyk创作了这尊6英尺高的雕塑“雨”,象征着人类与自然的交流,人类与周围世界的对话。这座青铜雕塑描绘的是一个不起眼的人抬头望着,一个巨大的玻璃雨滴落在他的脸上。这个半透明的玻璃球似乎完美地平衡了,水滴和孤独的身影之间发生了一种平静的交流。雨滴是对话的象征,它将一个人与整个生命形式的多样性连接起来。
All images via Nazar BilykUkrainian artist Nazar Bilyk created the 6-foot tall sculpture “Rainas a symbol of man’s communication with nature, a dialogue between the human race and the world around us. The bronze sculpture features a nondescript man looking upward, a giant glass raindrop positioned over his face. This orb of translucent glass seems to balance perfectly, a sort of calm communing happening between the droplet and the solitary figure.“The raindrop is a symbol of the dialogue which connects a man with a whole diversity of life forms,Bilyk told My Modern Met. “The figure has a loose and porous structure and relates to dry land, which absorbs water. In this work I play with scale, making a raindrop large enough to compare a man with an insect, considering that man is a part of nature. Moreover, this work concerns the question of interaction and difficulties in coexistence of man with environment.”You can see more of Bilyk’s work on his website. (via Bored Panda)#public art#sculpture#UkraineDo stories and artists like this matter to you? Become a Colossal Member and support independent arts publishing. Join a community of like-minded readers who are passionate about contemporary art, help support our interview series, gain access to partner discounts, and much more. Join now!