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2021-05-31 1641 0
Yunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven Studio       
      总部位于泰国曼谷的设计公司Sixseven Studio(67s)完成了一个新的城市静修,Yunomori Onsen和Spa | Sathorn提供真实的体验,日本温泉和泰国按摩。该建筑位于曼谷市中心的沙顿地区,由两部分组成,即改造后的旧公寓楼和新建筑,分离了温泉和水疗设施的功能。

Yunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven Studio        

Yunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven StudioYunomori o<em></em>nsen and Spa Sathorn Designed by Sixseven Studio

