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2021-06-25 1230 0
     James Jean设计了一个互动装置来庆祝这一节日。该项目主要围绕着家庭在节日前后发放的红包来获得好运。在这个案例中,他们被固定在公司大楼的正面,该大楼将于明天早上对外开放,作为赠予公众的礼物。当红包被拿掉的时候,琼的形象就会慢慢地出现在后面的橱窗里,这是他早先与广告公司合作的一个灵庙项目,也是他为丑牛年创作的一个特别作品。除了藏在一些信封里的特殊礼物,这位艺术家的一幅罕见的“灵庙”版画(50幅)也将被送出,这幅版画从未向公众发行过。 

With Chinese New Year coming up on Monday, interTrend in Long Beach has teamed up with James Jean (interviewed) for an interactive installation to celebrate the occasion. The project centers around the red envelopes given out around the holidays by families for good luck. In this case, they have been secured to the front of the company’s building (228 E. Broadway), set to be revealed tomorrow morning to be gifted to the public. As the red packets are removed, the imagery of Jean will be slowly revealed in the windows behind from an earlier Psychic Temple project he worked on with the ad agency as well as a special piece he created for the Year of the Monkey. Along with special gifts hidden in some of the envelopes, one rare Psychic Temple print (edition of 50) from the artist, which was never released to the public, will be given away.Discuss James Jean here.
