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2021-07-29 1645 0

tetro tops residence with irregular deck roof opening towards mountainous views in brazil   

      混凝土板首先以轻构件的形式出现,仅靠两根柱子,标志着大门和车库区,同时也勾勒出山景与贝洛奥里宗特人口稠密地区界限之间的全景。 沿着斜坡向下延伸,连接到水池和大型木甲板所在的露台。这个甲板覆盖了整个板块,遮住了它,隐藏了倒梁,使整个建筑显得更加精致和轻巧。

tetro tops residence with irregular deck roof opening towards mountainous views in brazil

      在一楼,没有障碍或栅栏,特特罗的项目插入自己的社区作为一个可渗透的元素。 通过这种方式,住宅与周围的住宅形成了鲜明对比,后者通常被硬墙所包围,具有更封闭的特征。这一战略将房屋周围的自由地带转变为生态走廊,使野生动物在地面上得以无缝流通。

tetro tops residence with irregular deck roof opening towards mountainous views in brazil

      私人区域全部位于底层以下,而普通的客厅/餐厅则占据屋顶板倾斜段下方的区域,这使得丰富的自然光可以穿透室内。 一边,巨大的玻璃窗暴露出自然环境,另一边,一个单一的钢制/玻璃门穿过门面,把房间连接到一个绿色的高原--后院--周围环绕着一堵石墙。石墙,随着时间的推移,成为一个生态系统。

tetro tops residence with irregular deck roof opening towards mountainous views in brazil

tetro tops residence with irregular deck roof opening towards mountainous views in brazil

tetro tops residence with irregular deck roof opening towards mountainous views in brazil

tetro tops residence with irregular deck roof opening towards mountainous views in brazil

tetro tops residence with irregular deck roof opening towards mountainous views in brazil

tetro tops residence with irregular deck roof opening towards mountainous views in brazil

tetro tops residence with irregular deck roof opening towards mountainous views in brazil 

tetro tops residence with irregular deck roof opening towards mountainous views in braziltetro tops residence with irregular deck roof opening towards mountainous views in brazil
