堪萨斯城,密苏里州,工作室的设计师Kearra Johnson描述她的标准54卡deck是任何传统:它是革命性的。每张纸牌的一面都有一个举起的拳头,象征着全世界反压迫的斗争。但在所有四款西装的K、Q和J上,都是对历史产生深远影响的开创性黑人标志性人物的肖像,从米歇尔·奥巴马、瑟古德·马歇尔到马尔科姆·艾克斯和罗莎·帕克斯。Johnson:“我想要与我们所了解到的关于成长的强大角色一起呈现。”那些推动变化的人,那些我们熟悉的人,但也不像其他人那样传统的人。从奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey)到拥有梦想的MLK Jr.,这些功能都有。Revolution Card Deck的概念诞生于一个课堂项目,当时这位现年22岁的设计师还是密苏里大学(University of Missouri)的一名学生。在一位教授要求她购买一些卡片作为礼物后,她制作了一些实物卡片,这个要求促使约翰逊印制了更多。

All images © Studio LO, shared with permissionKansas City, Missouri-based designer Kearra Johnson of Studio LO describes her standard 54-card deck as anything but traditional: it’s revolutionary. On one side of each playing card is a raised fist, a symbol that’s synonymous with the fight against oppression around the globe. But on the K, Q, and J of all four suits are portraits of ground-breaking Black icons who have profoundly impacted history, from Michelle Obama and Thurgood Marshall to Malcolm X and Rosa Parks. “I wanted to go with the powerful figures we’ve all learned about growing up,Johnson tells Colossal. “The ones who drove change, and the ones who we are familiar with, but also ones who aren’t as traditional as others. Those features range from Oprah Winfrey to the man with the dream, MLK Jr.”The concept for the Revolution Card Deck was born out of a class project while the now 22-year-old designer was a student at the University of Missouri. She created a few physical decks after a professor asked to purchase some as gifts, a request that spurred Johnson to print more. Since the project was featured on both CNN and NPR, she’s sold hundreds of decks, which will remain a fixture of Studio LO’s inventory and are now available in the Colossal Shop. You also can follow Johnson’s activism-focused designs on Instagram.#cards#gamesDo stories and artists like this matter to you? Become a Colossal Member and support independent arts publishing. Join a community of like-minded readers who are passionate about contemporary art, help support our interview series, gain access to partner discounts, and much more. Join now!