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2021-08-19 1127 0
       卡梅隆·安德森建筑师事务所(cameron anderson architects)设计的gawthorne小屋完全融入了农业环境,是一个独特的离网小屋,坐落在澳大利亚新南威尔士州郊区的薰衣草田和产牛肉的农田上。这套40平方米的住宅可在airbnb上出租,旨在确保农场保持盈利,并为后代保留在家庭中。

triangle-shaped off-grid airbnb made from recycled materials will appeal to nature lovers   

      卡梅隆·安德森建筑师模仿现有干草棚和混合完美地融入景观。 屋顶倾斜30度,太阳能电池板朝向北方,为农场提供了电力。这个小木屋是指向北方,那里最大的太阳能可以储存和再利用,使它可持续和脱离电网。相反,窗户和门位于南方,在炎热的白天提供自然通风,并为凉爽的夜晚提供更安全的绝缘。

triangle-shaped off-grid airbnb made from recycled materials will appeal to nature lovers

      卡梅隆·安德森的建筑师使用了既有的和周围的建筑材料作为主要的建筑材料。 太阳能电力系统隐藏在一个巨大的面板后面,供水由一个储存4万升水的巨大水箱提供。有了太阳能、电池和一个雨水箱,这个家对于那些想要脱离电网、逃离日常生活喧嚣的人来说,是一个完美的逃生之所。

triangle-shaped off-grid airbnb made from recycled materials will appeal to nature lovers

      回收砖和木板覆盖地板和天花板,给游客一个舒适舒适的巢穴。 所有的家具都是用木头或砖块做的,如床头板,它是直接从毗邻农场的一栋旧建筑上用砖块手工制作的。回收砖也可作为内部部件之间的分隔器。每个细节都能确保客人放松,从容易找到的电灯开关到不需要指示的简单电器。

triangle-shaped off-grid airbnb made from recycled materials will appeal to nature lovers

triangle-shaped off-grid airbnb made from recycled materials will appeal to nature lovers

triangle-shaped off-grid airbnb made from recycled materials will appeal to nature lovers

triangle-shaped off-grid airbnb made from recycled materials will appeal to nature lovers

triangle-shaped off-grid airbnb made from recycled materials will appeal to nature loverstriangle-shaped off-grid airbnb made from recycled materials will appeal to nature loverstriangle-shaped off-grid airbnb made from recycled materials will appeal to nature lovers
