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2021-09-01 1665 0
       la duna skatepark是由联阿援助团阿尔奎特斯特拉学院、景观设计师瓦利亚·赖特·桑切斯、爱德华多·佩恩·贝拉斯克斯和elías集团的建筑师弗朗西斯科·埃利斯合作设计的,是墨西哥北部边界一个专门用于体育运动的公共空间的新提案。公园参与了政府的城市改善计划,以扩大边缘化社区。它的形式受到了对沙漠的影响,旨在唤起奇瓦瓦萨马莱尤卡沙丘的联想。

la duna skatepark is the new proposal for a public space dedicated to sport on the northern border of mexico 1   

      该项目包括溜冰场、车间教室和行政大楼。 研究小组从附近的萨马拉尤卡沙丘中汲取灵感,创造了这个滑板公园建筑景观的弯曲、有机的形状。为了实现这一空间的物化,选择了一种高科技混凝土来实现光滑和连续的表面,有可能将其与沙子结合在一起,这是在现场发现的一种材料,它围绕着城市的这一区域。

la duna skatepark is the new proposal for a public space dedicated to sport on the northern border of mexico 2

      在主建筑物的上层,有一个观景平台,可俯瞰城市景观及远处的视野 。它也是一个多用途的活动空间和下面的滑冰活动的观察站。这个由粉红灰混凝土制成的例子,是一个引人注目的城市地标,它的曲线、坡度和种植将成熟,提供遮荫和重要的绿色元素。宽敞的设施可容纳5,000名客人。

la duna skatepark is the new proposal for a public space dedicated to sport on the northern border of mexico 3


la duna skatepark is the new proposal for a public space dedicated to sport on the northern border of mexico 4

la duna skatepark is the new proposal for a public space dedicated to sport on the northern border of mexico 5

la duna skatepark is the new proposal for a public space dedicated to sport on the northern border of mexico 6

la duna skatepark is the new proposal for a public space dedicated to sport on the northern border of mexico 7

la duna skatepark is the new proposal for a public space dedicated to sport on the northern border of mexico 8

la duna skatepark is the new proposal for a public space dedicated to sport on the northern border of mexico 9

la duna skatepark is the new proposal for a public space dedicated to sport on the northern border of mexico 10
