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2021-09-22 1065 0
      11月7日,旧金山的Gauntlet画廊将举办两个几何倾斜的展览,由其客座策展人斯文·戴维斯策划。Neo Geo是一个两人展,由卡尔·卡什曼和利亚姆·斯努特在画廊1的空间展出,而《BlackThings》是寄生虫在画廊2的个展。

On the 7th of November, Gauntlet Gallery in San Francisco will be opening two geometrically inclined exhibitions curated by their guest curator Sven Davis. Neo Geo is a two-person exhibition featuring Carl Cashman and Liam Snootle in the gallery 1 space, along with BlackThings, is a solo exhibition by Parasite in gallery 2.For this show, Cashman created a new body of work in two parts – one is a further exploration of his geo-based concepts, this time mixing abstract backgrounds and geometrical shapes and patterns, with the other playing with the idea of illusion and tricking the eye. Still recognizable and within his visual language, this new concept of creating images by using only straight lines, allows the artist to incorporate texts and symbols into his work.On other hand, Australian Snootle will be introducing his minimalist works that play with the interaction of strict shapes and solid colors. Through the simple effect of transparency, his flat images get a sense of depth and perspective, feeling like hologramic origami objects.Discuss this show here.Discuss Carl Cashman here.
