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2021-12-28 1397 0

       这本352页的书是对鸟类一族的调查,汇集了90多位艺术家、50位摄影师、15位插画家和10位时装设计师的各种作品,这些艺术家、艺术史学家、鸟类学家、自然资源保护者和摄影师与国际专家组进行了合作,包括英国鸟类学家、艺术家兼作家卡特里娜·范·格罗(Katrina van Grouw),她也是这本书的导言作者。从绘画丰富的中世纪手稿和10世纪中国自然主义绘画、文艺复兴时期的自然研究和19世纪的版画,到当代艺术装置和鸟类摄影,各种各样的参考资料构成了一个万花筒式的纲要,其中包含了跨越时间、文化和地理的永恒魅力。
  Florentijn Hofman, Rubber Duck, 2013. PVC, H. 16.5 m, temporary installation, Hong Kong. All Rights Reserved. Courtesy Studio Florentijn Hofman. Courtesy PHAIDON.
Bird: Exploring the Winged World, Phaidon. Courtesy PHAIDON.
Christian Lacroix Maison, Birds Sinfo<em></em>nia (colourway Perce-Neige), from Histoires Naturelles, 2018. Digital print on fabric and paper, dimensions variable. Picture credit Christian Lacroix Maison. Courtesy PHAIDON.
Thomas Lohr, Acryllium vulturinum, from Birds, 2015. Photograph, dimensions variable. Picture credit Thomas Lohr. Courtesy PHAIDON.
Ernst Haeckel, Trochilidae – Kolibris, from Kunstformen der Natur, 1904. Chromolithograph, 36 × 26 cm. Picture credit Kunstformen der Natur. Courtesy PHAIDON.
Adolphe Millot, Plumes, from Le Larousse pour tous: nouveau dictio<em></em>nnaire encyclopédique, vol. II, by Pierre Larousse and Claude Augé, 1909. Chromolithograph, 30 × 21 cm, University of Ottawa, Toronto. Picture credit Wikimedia Commons. Courtesy PHAIDON.
Andy Holden and Peter Holden, Natural Selection, 2018. Mixed media, Temporary installation at Towner Art Gallery, Eastbourne, UK. Picture credit Andy Holden. Photo by Alison Bettles. Courtesy PHAIDON.
