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Galaxy Buds耳机包装概念设计

2022-06-14 1550 0
       保护你珍贵的Galaxy Buds系列,这是Galaxy Buds外壳的目标。该项目是专为Galaxy Buds设计的概念案例。它兼作时尚配饰,您可以用光滑、易于打开且可移动的外壳装饰您的耳塞。

Galaxy Buds Closet by Juan Lee and Jihong Lee

      简单而方便的外壳,采用一体式车身模具制造,有助于简化制造流程,降低生产成本。工业设计师想为Galaxy Buds外壳增加时尚可信度,他们提供了一系列与Galaxy Buds颜色相匹配的颜色。

Galaxy Buds Closet by Juan Lee and Jihong Lee

Galaxy Buds Closet by Juan Lee and Jihong Lee

Galaxy Buds Closet by Juan Lee and Jihong Lee

Galaxy Buds Closet by Juan Lee and Jihong Lee

Galaxy Buds Closet by Juan Lee and Jihong Lee

Galaxy Buds Closet by Juan Lee and Jihong Lee
