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2023-01-02 1212 0
美国奇怪的是,《超越所有种族灭绝记录》的旗帜海报只在Fluxus的出版物中出现过一次,然后暗含着,作为Fluxus的商业分支——内爆的出版物,由Maciunas、Robert Watts和Herman Fine创办。作品没有署名。它用死亡的图像代替星星,用种族灭绝的计算代替条纹。这张海报被广泛分发,并在那个时代的政治海报书上作了插图。我认为Maciunas特别希望海报是匿名的,这样它的影响就会被自己看到,而不是因为一个名字与它有关。在海报上,人们被邀请发送计算和对p.o.的参考。邮箱:180,New York, NY 10012;(邮政信箱)。有人会收到一篇题为《美国超过所有纳粹种族灭绝记录》的计算论文,《Maciunas’名字印在上面。

">“U.S.A. Surpasses All the Genocide Records, the flag poster, is curiously only listed once in Fluxus publications and then by implication, as a publication of Implosions, a commercial branch of Fluxus started by Maciunas, Robert Watts, and Herman Fine. The work was not signed. It has the image of death in place of stars, and calculations about genocide in place of stripes. The poster was widely distrbuted, and is illustrated in books on political posters from that era. I think that Maciunas particularly wanted the poster to be anonymous so that its impact would be seen for itself, not because of a name associated with it. On the poster, one is invited to send for calculations and references to ‘p.o. box 180, New York, NY 10012‘ (the fluxus postal box). One would have received an essay with calculations titled U.S. Surpasses All Nazi Genocide Records, with Maciunas’ name printed on it.” — Fluxus Codex,pp. 391 via Significant Object
