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2023-03-21 1242 0
A photograph of a person on top of a tall light post.
      在阿姆斯特丹的街道和运河上,摄影师Julie Hrudová通过自行车手拉着独特的货物、行人与大自然搏斗,以及狗在时尚的通勤中的真实快照,捕捉日常生活。在她的《追逐阿姆斯特丹》系列中,Julie专注于荷兰首都周围的日常时刻和意外事件,突出了其居民的多样日常。她还刚刚开始尝试手机录像。她说:“在阿姆斯特丹的街道上漫步之后,以一种新的方式捕捉城市和其他地方是很有趣的。”
A photograph of a man on a bike with mannequin pieces in the cargo bags.A dog standing in a shallow pool of water with dyed red fur on top of its head.Left: A figure walks against the wind with an umbrella, dressed all in brown. Right: A figure walks across a square carrying yellow plastic cubes.A figure walks out of a door carrying a huge bouquet of balloons.A figure walks across a platform wearing an abstract, flowery costume, surrounded by people on bikes.Left: A young man stands in profile with a skateboard on his head. Right: A parrot stands on a waste bin.A photograph of a man holding a bride's purple dress on a windy day.A photograph of a person walking their dog in a crate through a park.A photograph of a figure on a bike, carrying a Christmas tree that obscures their face.
