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2023-04-24 1606 0
Overlaid with lines, a print depicts an orca attempting to reach out of the water to touch a tree with a vibrant sunrise in the background
      Jaunt是一个邀请艺术家旅行并根据他们的经历创作一件作品的驻留项目,今年即将年满十年,桥本当代艺术馆的一个群展重点展示了近一半参与该项目的人从档案中获得的原创作品和版画。Jaunt由杰伦·斯梅茨于2013年推出,与近100位艺术家合作,致力于各种美学冲动和媒介,其中包括莉兹·弗洛雷斯、Collin van der Sluijs,Vhils和丽莎·康登等,他们都去过世界各地的目的地,并将自己的遭遇转化为丝网印刷。
      这场名为“Jaunt的十年”的庆祝展览于4月22日至5月13日在洛杉矶展出 。
Pink hands with long fingernails hold a phone with text message boxes on the screen, although no text is visibleA mosaiced print with a flower at the center and squares in each cornerA portrait made with old advertising postersA colorful sculpture with an open sign on top and kinetic compo<em></em>nents in yellow and blueTwo images, both abstract prints in wooden f<em></em>ramesAn abstract orange flower sculptureTwo images, on the left a person on a surf board out on a blue ocean, on the right a print of a large figure in black with his shadow cast on the ground in frontA print of blue flowers in a pot hangs on a white wall with two stools topped with books on either side
