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2023-04-24 1171 0
A figurative sculpture made of white thread that resembles a cloak. A cavity in the chest area is made from varnished dried roses.
      珍妮·维塞里尔(Jeanne Vicerial)复杂的雕塑让人想起中世纪的盔甲或修道院传统,在成千上万的悬垂线中散发出安静的力量。这位法国艺术家将一种用来悬挂船帆或旗帜的绳索叠在一起,勾勒出人物的曲线,他们穿着优雅的斗篷、头套和盾牌状的配饰,脚下有解开的线圈。在她的系列《盔甲》中,她组装了等待使用的神秘服装,仿佛随着时间的推移而结晶。
A figurative sculpture made from black threads and cord that unravel and drape from the face and arms. 
A detail of the torso of an abstract figurative sculpture made from black thread and cord.
An abstract figurative sculpture of a head and cape-like shoulders with long strands of unravelled thread draping from the bottom.A group of three figurative sculptures made from white thread. The middle figure is a<em></em>bout twice as tall as the two that flank it. Pools of unravelled thread sit at the feet of each.Two images of the same sculpture. On the left, a detail of a figurative sculpture made of black thread with a cloak or hood. On the right, the full length view of the sculpture showing a pool of unravelled thread at its feet.A sculpture made of white thread, installed on a black box against a black background. It suggests an abstract feminine figure lying on a sarcophagus such as a Medie<em></em>val knight would have been interred in. A pile of unravelled thread pools at the bottom.A detail of a figurative sculpture made from white thread. It appears to be lying on a black box, on a pillow.Two images of the same sculpture. On the left, an overview of the sculpture which suggests a figurative form made from black thread with lots of draping cords and unravelled strings. On the right, a detail of the torso area shows braids of black thread and a group of gold-painted dried roses.A figurative sculpture made from white thread, photographed on a black background. The sculpture features long threads draping down from the face and arms, and there is a tall, curving headdress on top.A figurative sculpture made from white thread, shown at three-quarter view and appears to be kneeling in contemplation.
