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2023-04-24 1429 0
A large-scale, diorama-like painting of lions and circus performers inside of a church.
      Aryz经常展示一种网格状的结构,让人联想到绘画的底层,但他并没有覆盖这种结构,而是创造了包含各种纹理和构图元素的独特隔间。虽然他的大部分作品都强调平面的二维平面,但像《El Entreacto》这样的壁画扩展了网格,并将三维深度与阴影和卡通细节融合在一起,这些细节会出现故障或被切断。
A colorful mural of a lion on the side of a building. 
A colorful mural of a rooster on the side of a building.A large-scale, diorama-like painting of a dramatic scene of a woman lying in a man's arms flanked by two other women, inside of a decaying church.A colorful mural of a woman holding a flower on the end of an apartment block.A colorful diorama installed inside of an old theatre or swimming pool depicting a uniformed man carrying an unco<em></em>nscious woman and calling for help.A large-scale, diorama-like painting of planes flying over buildings and plumes of smoke rising, installed inside of a church.A large-scale, diorama-like painting of planes flying over buildings and plumes of smoke rising, installed inside of a church.A large-scale, diorama-like painting of a woman covering her face with her hands, installed inside of a church.A mural of a woman on the side of a building.
