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2023-04-25 1376 0
An installation made from several old books with large draping chains of paper made from book pages.
      在精心制作的雕塑中,韩国艺术家Jukhee Kwon探索了破坏和娱乐的双重性,为废弃的书籍赋予了新的生命。她费力地用手操作旧的大部头,构建了复杂的卷须和仍附着在书脊上的纸链,在字里行间切割,使文本保持清晰,并融入新的叙事中。
      Kwon目前居住在意大利,她发现了以意大利语出版的书籍,如《Guerra e Pace》或《战争与和平》,为她的工作提供了起点。在另一些书中,书名被纸圈和卷曲完全遮住了。艺术家反复扭曲、褶皱、编织或链接页面,创造出各种网格和悬垂形式,这些网格和悬垂形状从装订开始层叠,并且在不同的作品之间变化很大。在《冥想》中,她融入了朝鲜语中折纸的意思jong-i jeobi的工艺传统,而最初的标记丝带在《红圈书》中成为了焦点。
A round, medallion-like artwork made from l<em></em>inking the pages of a book with a red cover.
A detail of a sculpture made from the pages of a book.A sculpture made from the pages of a book that have been woven into an intricate basket, which holds a book.Two vertical sculptures made from books and book pages.An artwork made from black paper and a book using a Korean paper folding technique.A sculpture made from a book with pages formed into a nest-like shape.An artfully deco<em></em>nstructed copy of A view looking up at the rear of a large sculptural installation. A row of books is lined up above, suspended from the ceiling, and chains of book pages cascade to the ground from each book.A wall sculpture made from a book. Pages have been woven and turned into strands that have been woven in a nest-like shape that drapes under the book.Hundreds of rolls of paper in a rectangular composition.
