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2023-04-27 992 0
Two sculptures made from tufted fiber shaped like Chinese vases.
      在布鲁塞尔艺术家Shishi San大胆的雕塑作品中,柔软的簇绒纱线与鲜艳的色彩相遇。她于2019年开始簇绒,创作以顽皮的花朵、昆虫和其他生物为特色的二维作品。去年,她将自己的实践推向了三维领域。受中国花瓶的形状、色调和图案的启发,她在一个名为“蓬松系列”的系列中开始了一系列以传统图案为基础的九件宽大的花瓶。“我想创造我自己的版本,灵感来自我自己的经历和他们的视觉身份,”她告诉我们。 
A tufted rug shaped like a flower.Small tufted rugs and wall hangings photographed in an overview on a parquet floor.Left: Two tufted vase sculptures. Right: The artist Shishi San seated on a stool with tufted vessels on the floor.Two sculptures made from tufted fiber shaped like Chinese vases.Left and right: Sculptures made from tufted fiber shaped like Chinese vases.A tufted wall hanging shaped like a Chinese vase, photographed on a wall in an exhibition space with plants.A detail of tufted flowers on a blue background.The artist Shishi San crouching in front of two large, tufted sculptures shaped like Chinese vases.
