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2023-05-31 1164 0
A gif of a swimmer jumping into a pool on a larger figure's face
      通过钢笔和墨水的渲染,弗吉尼亚·莫里(Virginia Mori)继续她对平淡的优雅和超现实的诠释。这位意大利插画家和动画师倾向于日常生活的创作,将相对简单的时刻变成奇怪的超凡脱俗的场景。例如,从书架上取下一本书,会发现一个身影潜伏在书的后面,而一个巨大的分离的头坠落到地面上,一个团队带着垫子等待安全着陆。这些内省的作品通常以色彩柔和的调色板为特色,将焦虑、犹豫和恐惧的相关感觉与梦幻般的发明融合在一起。
Two illustrations, one of a person peeking through a gramophone, and another of a giant head tumbling toward the earth, with a group of people stretching out a cushion to break the fallAn illustration of a person doing yoga, with their head on their handAn illustration of tiny figures sitting on a larger figure's earTwo illustrations in yellow, blue, black, and white, one of a man reading a book from a shelf with a person peering out from the books, and another with a woman hanging her head over the edge of a bed to reveal a celestial expanseAn illustration of a person doing yoga, with their head split in their handsTwo illustrations in yellow, black, and white, one with a woman seeing her shadow in leaves, and another of a man sitting on a bench with a leaf on his faceAn illustration of a person sitting in a box on a blanket with a cat nearby
