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2023-09-19 1154 0
         这种创新的装置可以让人们轻松地潜入水下,探索前所未有的海洋深处。Geneinno S2是您的便携式水下伴侣,随时准备带您踏上难忘的旅程。强大的电机和45分钟的电池寿命,达到1.2米/秒的速度,延长水下乐趣。其密封舱和内置电池解决方案可深潜98英尺(30米),适用于所有级别的潜水员。它像笔记本一样小,可以放在背包里,随时准备行动。轻松探索水下世界- Geneinno S2是您进行水下冒险的必备设备。还有:CudaJet水下喷气背包


Innovative device allows people to easily dive underwater and explore the depths of the ocean like never before.Geneinno S2 is your portable underwater companion, ready to take you on unforgettable journeys.With powerful motor and 45-minute battery life, it reaches 1.2m/s speed for extended underwater fun.Dive up to 98ft (30m) with its sealed cabin and built-in battery solution, suitable for all levels of divers.As small as a notebook, it fits in a backpack, always ready for action.Explore the underwater world with ease – the Geneinno S2 is your go-to gadget for aquatic adventures.Also check out: CudaJet Underwater Jetpack
