Tim Anderson向你展示了如何从零开始制作自己的美味碗,以及如何在自己舒适的家中制作自己的便当(日本人心爱而美丽的午餐盒)。有趣的制作(和吃),碗&便当歌颂了日本食物的多样性、简单性和乐趣。这是日常的自我照顾和自爱,以碗和便当的形式。Alias Harbour和GT Maru Mega用于标题字体,GT Maru用于次要字体。日文以平野加来哥特为背景。参见同一系列的JapanEasy和Vegan JapanEasy。

">From Hardie Grant:
Tim Anderson shows you how you can build your own delicious bowl from scratch as well as how you can construct your very own bento (Japan’s beloved and beautiful lunch boxes) from the comfort of your own home. Fun to make (and eat) JapanEasy: Bowls & Bento celebrates the versatility, simplicity and joy of Japanese food. This is everyday self-care and self-love, in bowl and bento form.
Alias Harbour and GT Maru Mega are used for headline type, with GT Maru for seco
ndary type. Japanese text is set in Hiragino Kaku Gothic. See also
JapanEasy and
Vegan JapanEasy, from the same series.