用数据讲故事:商业专业人士的数据可视化指南是Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic的一本书,他是数据可视化领域的专家,也是该领域的参考。她教授如何用易于阅读的视觉效果解释复杂的主题。本书的主要字体是Avenir Next。示例中使用Helvetica字体。Wiley出版社。

Storytelling with data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals is a book by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic, specialist in the field of data visualization and a reference in the field. She teaches how to explain complex topics with easy-to-read visuals.The main typeface for this book is Avenir Next. Helvetica is used for the examples.Published by Wiley, 2015.