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2023-10-30 1630 0
我从来没有去过印第安纳州,更别说去印第安纳波利斯艺术博物馆了,所以这不是第一个人的描述。这是我的一个艺术浏览习惯的良好结果,使用在线艺术资源Athenaeum的博物馆列表功能浏览各种博物馆’收藏(见我在雅典娜的帖子)。 图书馆为印第安纳波利斯艺术博物馆(indiana apolis Museum of Art)设计的页面上,约翰·辛格·萨金特(John Singer Sargent)、埃德蒙·塔贝尔(Edmund Tarbell)和威廉·梅里特·蔡斯(William Merritt Chase)的作品吸引了我的注意。 一到博物馆的网站,我就立即点击到了他们收藏的《1945年美国绘画和雕塑》,然后开始浏览我最喜欢的绘画流派之一——美国印象派的互动幻灯片。 虽然不是最方便的浏览安排(一个简单的页面缩略图会更好,但博物馆似乎爱这些小部件),这仍然是一个进入收藏,点击特定的缩略图,然后点击一个页面艺术家的作品在博物馆# 8217;集合。 让我高兴的是,我发现博物馆不仅有非常棒的美国印象派收藏,这对一些艺术家来说是很深的,比如William Merritt Chase,他们也有很好的方法来展示收藏中的作品。 缩略图被链接到一个适当大小的图像,并在弹出窗口中打开,而不是许多博物馆喜欢的狭小的缩放窗口,让你从整体上更好地感受作品。 此外,他们往往有几张同一幅作品的照片,其中一些照片中有颜色和价值参考卡,使其有可能得到一个准确的颜色的图像。多棒的功能啊!网络上很多艺术品的图片都是彩色的,即使是那些最负盛名的博物馆发布的。 到目前为止,我对这个地点的探索很简短,我选择突出的图片比博物馆的收藏更能代表我自己的喜好,但我也对他们收藏的欧洲绘画和雕塑印象深刻。 有人可能希望有一个基于列表的浏览功能,允许更容易地掌握特定区域的馆藏,但是你可以搜索特定艺术家的收藏,或者使用更宽泛的术语,比如…& # 8220;美国印象派# 8220;。 网上的这些收藏看起来很值得深入调查,当然,对于那些住得很近,可以亲自去博物馆参观的人来说,这是一种享受。 

I’ve never been to Indiana, let alone to the Indianapolis Museum of Art, so this is not a first person account. It is rather the happy result of one of my art browsing habits, using the Museum Listing feature of the Athenaeum online art resource to browse a skimming of various museums’ collections (see my post on The Athenaeum). The Athenaeum’s page for the Indianapolis Museum of Art caught my attention with pieces by John Singer Sargent, Edmund Tarbell and William Merritt Chase. On arriving at the museum’s site, I immediately clicked through to their collection of American Painting and Sculpture to 1945, and from there started browsing through the little interactive slide presentation for American Impressionism, one of my favorite schools of painting. Though not the most convenient browsing arrangement (a simple page of thumbnails would be better, but museums seem to love these widgets), it is still a way into the collection, clicking on the thumbnails to particular piece, then clicking through to a page of works by that artist in the museum’s collection. To my delight, I found that not only does the museum have a terrific collection of American Impressionism, which is deep for some artists, like William Merritt Chase, they also have a nice method of presentation for works in the collection. Thumbnails are linked to a decently sized image that opens in a pop-up, instead of the tiny cramped Zooming windows favored by many museums, letting you get a much better feeling for the work as a whole. In addition they often have several photos of the same work, some of which have color and value reference cards in the photos, making it possible to get an accurate take on the color of the image. What a great feature! So many images of artworks on the web are off-color, even those posted by the most prestigious museums. My exploration of the site has been brief so far, and the images I’ve chosen to highlight are more representative of my own preferences than the museum’s collections, but I was also impressed with their holdings in European Painting and Sculpture. One might wish for a list based browsing feature, allowing an easier grasp of the holdings in a particular area, but you can search the collections for specific artist, or using broader terms like, oh, say… “American Impressionism“. The collection online looks well worth investigating in depth, and of course, for those who live close enough to travel to the museum in person, a treat to visit. (Images above: Edmund Tarbell, Richard B. Gruelle, Frank W. Benson, William Merritt Chase, John Sharman, John Cotman Sell, Rembrandt, Jan Brueghel the Elder.)  <
