自动唱机转盘提供了方便,但往往以牺牲音质为代价。Pro-Ject的新Automat A2将其调音臂、盘轴承和电机置于浮动的子底盘上,将单开关便利性与出色的音频再现结合在一起。当用户点击“开始”键时,唱片就会旋转,超轻的铝制臂就会自动移动到唱片的导入槽中。完成后,它优雅地从表面移除Ortofon 2M红色墨盒并返回其静止位置,同时关闭电机。主体由重型MDF制成,手绘8层哑光黑色饰面,阻尼盘由精密平衡铝制成,半平衡RCA电缆可轻松连接接收器,放大器和供电扬声器。德国手工制作。

Automatic turntables offer convenience, often at the expense of sound quality. By placing its tonearm, platter bearing, and motor on a floating sub-chassis, Pro-Ject's new Automat A2 combines single-switch co
nvenience with outstanding audio reproduction. When the user hits start, the record spins, and the ultra-light aluminum to
nearm moves automatically to the record's lead-in groove. When finished, it gracefully removes the Ortofon 2M Red cartridge from the surface and back to its resting position while powering down the motor. The main body is made from heavy MDF that's hand-painted in an 8-layer matte black finish, the damped platter is made from precision-balanced aluminum, and the semi-balanced RCA cable offers easy hookup to receivers, amps, and powered speakers. Handmade in Germany.